豆腐蘑菇擔擔麵 | Dan Dan Noodles with Tofu and Mushrooms

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豆腐蘑菇擔擔麵 x 記一次大食會

2018年 | 有一次,我為一頓即興舉辦的大食會煮了這道菜。當時並沒有人留意到這是一款素菜,所以我應該改變了一些人對素食的印象!




麵 340克(任何一種,意粉也可以)
硬豆腐 1 磚
雞脾菇 2 大隻(可以選用其他大而多肉的蘑菇,如冬菇)
洋葱 1 個(切薄片)
蒜 2 瓣(切碎)
幼菠菜苗 3 杯
豉油 3 湯匙
老抽 1 湯匙
麻油 2 茶匙
蜜糖 1 茶匙
辣椒油 2 茶匙(可選)


  1. 瀝乾豆腐,擠出多餘水份。將豆腐搗碎,直至約豌豆大小或更小。

  2. 將蘑菇切碎,直至與豆腐差不多大小。在大碗裏將豆腐和蘑菇拌匀。

  3. 用大火在鑊炒熱1-2湯匙油。放入豆腐蘑菇混合,頭2-3分鐘不必攪拌,讓材料漸變棕色。開始炒熱,每次讓材料靜置2-3分鐘,留意不要煮燶。炒至褐色,水份煮乾。

  4. 加入洋葱和蒜。繼續用中至大火煮,直至洋葱軟化,開始呈褐黃色。放入菠菜,煮嫩。加豉油、老抽、麻油、蜜糖和辣椒油(如果使用)。用鹽和胡椒粉調味。

  5. 同時,按包裝説明煮麵。調慢火,放入麵條,攪拌均匀。開飯啦!




Dan Dan Noodles with Tofu and Mushrooms x Once Upon A Potluck

2018 | I brought this dish over to a friend's place for a last-minute potluck dinner and nobody realised it was vegetarian so I think I managed to change some people's minds about what a vegetarian diet could look like!

Serves: 6

Total cooking time: 40 minutes


340g noodles (any kind, spaghetti would also work) 
1 box medium firm or firm tofu
2 king oyster mushrooms (or any other 'meaty' mushroom like shiitake will work too) 
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, chopped
3 cups baby spinach
salt and pepper
3 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp honey
2 tsp chili oil (optional)


  1. Drain tofu and squeeze out excess water. Roughly chop or mash the tofu till pieces are roughly the size of a pea or smaller. 

  2. Chop the mushrooms till they are of similar size to the tofu pieces. Mix the mushroom and tofu in a large bowl. 

  3. Heat the wok over high heat with a tbsp or two of oil. Add the mushroom tofu mixture. Do not stir for about 2-3 minutes so it has a chance to brown. Stir-fry, leaving the mixture to sit for 2-3 minutes each time, taking care not to burn it. Stir-fry till browned and the water released from the mixture has been dried up. 

  4. Add the onion and garlic. Continue to cook over medium-high heat until the onions are slightly softened and browned at the edges. Stir in the spinach until it’s just wilted. Add the soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sesame oil, honey, and chili oil (if using). Season with salt and pepper.

  5. Meanwhile, cook the noodles according to the package directions. Turn the heat down to low and add the noodles in. Toss with the ingredients. Serve!

Recipe source: https://thewoksoflife.com/15-minute-lazy-noodles/

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