芋泥麻糬酥 | Taro Mochi Puffs

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芋泥麻糬酥 x 不辭勞苦的愛

2020年 |我經常在家烘焙,而通常會焗麵包和西式糕點。媽媽則常在旁邊觀察,一副很想參與的樣子。最近在一間餅店的instagram帳戶上看到很精緻的素食芋泥麻糬酥,我就忽發奇想,不如放假叫媽媽和我一起製作這個頗有難度的台灣酥餅吧!

準備材料的過程繁複,令我十分沮喪,但幸好有媽媽在旁,所以她負責了很多工序,包括:蒸熟芋頭及麻糬、擀長麵團、擀圓酥皮等等。 (其實最麻煩的步驟都是她負責的lol)


IG | @greeneatingstylehk

份量: 其他




糯米粉 125g
溫水 200g
糖 30g 
油 1 湯匙


鮮奶 60mL
牛油 30g
糖 30g


中筋麵粉 200g 
凍水 100mL 
糖粉 30g 
無鹽牛油 70g(切細粒)


低筋麵粉 185g 
紫薯粉 15g 
無鹽牛油 100g(切細粒)



  1. 準備蒸碗加入糯米粉、糖及部份溫水攪拌。

  2. 加入油,繼續攪拌至糊狀。

  3. 倒入剩下溫水,攪均至沒有結塊。

  4. 蒸15-20分鐘/完全熟透。

  5. 拿取木匙充份把蒸好的麻糬攪均,或用木棒直接槌。我用槌的方法大概5-10分鐘。之後攤涼就可以用了。效果非常軟糯及有拉絲效果!



  1. 首先把芋頭切塊及蒸熟,趁熱加入鮮奶,牛油及砂糖,拌勻即可。

  2. 攤涼後分成20等份及滾圓。


  1. 所有油酥材料放入盆,用切半方式慢慢均勻混合成糰。

  2. 蓋上毛巾,鬆弛至少30分鐘。

  3. 分成10等份及滾圓。


  1. 所有油酥材料放入盆,用切半方式慢慢均勻混合成糰。

  2. 蓋上毛巾,鬆弛至少30分鐘。

  3. 分成10等份及滾圓。


  1. 將一份滾圓的芋泥壓扁。

  2. 加入適量的麻糬。慢慢收口,備用。


  1. 預熱焗爐170°C。將一份油酥壓扁,然後包入一份紫薯酥,慢慢捏緊收口。

  2. 收口朝上! 再壓扁,再用擀麵棍上下桿開成長條形。

  3. 從左上角往右下角斜捲,之後再用擀麵棍上下桿開成長條形(愈長愈好)。

  4. 由下往上再捲起。

  5. 把麵團切一半,切面朝上。

  6. 用手掌稍微壓扁麵團,用擀麵棍從中間開始往上下左右桿開。翻面同樣。

  7. 緊記剛剛的切面要面向掌心,然後包入一顆芋泥麻糬,收口捏緊。焗20-25分鐘。




Taro Mochi Puffs x Labour of Love

2020 | I bake a lot at home, but usually I do Western cakes and bread. Mom would always observe from the side, eager to participate. Recently I saw these delicate vegetarian taro mochi puffs on a bakery shop Instagram. It suddenly dawned on me that I could ask my mom to make this challenging Taiwanese recipe with me!

The preparation of the ingredients is quite complex and I felt very overwhelmed in the process. But thankfully mom was there and she took care of many of the steps, including steaming the taro and mochi, rolling out the dough, rolling the puffs, etc. (In fact, she did the most troublesome steps lol)

Fortunately the final product turned out okay. I didn’t want to do this again, but as this was her first time, mom thought it was a bit of a failure. So she courageously said it will turn out better when she braves the challenge again. I think she seems to enjoy making desserts because she did it with me. Most importantly, we will carry this memory with us for a long time to come – the both of us, making taro mochi puffs together during the coronavirus.

IG | @greeneatingstylehk

Serves: Others

Total cooking time: 1 hour or more



125g glutinous rice powder
200g warm water
30g sugar
1 tbsp oil 

Taro paste:

Half a medium-sized taro (around 500g)
60mL milk
30g butter
30g sugar

Regular puff:

200g medium-gluten flour
100mL cold water
30g powdered sugar
70g unsalted butter, cut into small pieces 

Purple sweet potato puff:

185g low-gluten flour
15g purple sweet potato powder
100g unsalted butter, cut into small pieces



  1.  Mix the glutinous rice powder, sugar, and some warm water into a bowl. 

  2. Add the oil. Mix until the ingredients turn into a paste.

  3. Pour in the remaining warm water and mix till smooth.

  4. Steam for 15-20 minutes.

  5. Use a wooden spoon to mix the mochi well. Alternatively, use a wooden utensil to mash it – this only took 5-10 minutes for me.

Taro Mochi Puff (taro paste, purple sweet potato puff, regular puff) x 20

【2】Taro Paste:

  1. Chop and steam the taro. When it’s still hot, add the milk, butter, and sugar. Mix well.

  2. Let it cool before splitting into 20 balls.

【3】Regular Puff:

  1. Put all the ingredients for the puff into a bowl. Combine into a dough.

  2. Cover with a towel and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.

  3. Split the dough into 10 balls.

【4】Purple Sweet Potato Puff:

  1.  When the regular puff dough is resting, put all the ingredients for this section into a bowl. Knead into a dough.

  2. Split the dough into 10 balls.

【5】Taro Mochi:

  1.  Flatten a taro ball.

  2. Add some mochi and seal it back up into a ball form. Set aside.

【6】Taro Mochi Puff:

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 170°C. Flatten a regular puff ball and wrap a sweet potato puff inside. Seal it back up into a ball form.

  2. With the opening facing up, flatten again. Use a rolling pin to roll it out into a long strip.

  3. Roll the strip from top left to bottom right corner. Then roll it back out into a long strip (as long as possible).

  4. Roll it up from bottom to the top.

  5. Cut the dough into half to form two cylindrical shapes. Have the cross-section face upwards.

  6. Use your hand to gently flatten the cylindrical dough. Roll it out evenly for the last time. Flip and repeat.

  7. With the original cross-section surface now facing your palm, wrap a taro mochi inside. Seal it up into a ball form. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

Recipe source: https://rm2brothers.cc/1990/親子烘焙-芋頭麻糬酥/

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