伊拉克扁豆湯 | Chaldean Lentil Soup

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伊拉克扁豆湯 x 對家鄉的思念

2014年 | 這個食譜是我特意為一位來自伊拉克北部的好友預備的,好讓他回味故鄉的食物。

份量: 4



水 9 杯
土耳其紅扁豆 2 杯
生米 2 湯匙
洋蔥丁 2 湯匙
香芹 2 湯匙
咖喱粉 2.5 茶匙
孜然 1 茶匙
蔬菜高湯 4 顆


  1. 煮滾一鍋水。

  2. 放入所有食材,用慢至中火煲30-40分鐘。

  3. 邊煮邊攪拌,直至扁豆被搗成糊狀。

  4. 上碟時附上一片檸檬。



Chaldean Lentil Soup x Remembering a Home

2014 | I made this recipe for a loved one to remind him of the food of his people from northern Iraq.

Serves: 4

Total cooking time: 45 minutes


9 cups water
2 cups Turkish red lentils
2 tbsp uncooked rice
2 tbsp dry minced onions
2 tbsp dried parsley 
2.5 tsp curry powder
1 tsp cumin
4 vegetable stock cubes 


  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. 

  2. Put in all the ingredients. Turn heat to medium low, cook for 30-40 minutes.

  3. Stir occasionally until lentils are crushed.

  4. Serve with lemon wedge. 

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