純素蛋沙律 | Vegan Egg Salad

Discovering the Secret of Black Salt.png

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純素蛋沙律 x 發掘黑鹽之謎

2020年新冠肺炎疫情,騰出了很多空餘時間,在家裡嘗試不同的純素菜色,研究了用不同的方法去替換雞蛋,包括了用鮮腐竹、鷹嘴豆粉、豆腐…… 在過程當中,亦發現了黑鹽Kala Namak是製造蛋味的關鍵。

走進純素飲食的世界,是充滿好奇和有新鮮感的! 多點在家煮食,可以省錢、省時、健康、環保,當你享受著你自己準備的食物時,你會充滿著滿足感,和一份不可言喻的喜悅!

份量: 2

所需時間:30 分鐘


板豆腐 1 磚
黃薑粉 半茶匙
黑鹽 1 茶匙
鹽 少許


  1. 半磚板豆腐切小塊(使它看似蛋白),另半磚用手揸爛(使它看似蛋黃)。

  2. 加入黃薑粉、黑鹽拌勻。

  3. 用平底鍋烘乾水份,取出後灑上鹽調味,最後拌入沙律醬。


醬汁我使用了JUST Mayo純素的蛋黃醬。 我以此蛋沙律作為三文治的餡料。

建議在街市豆腐檔買板豆腐,豆味較濃,豆腐較硬身。 黑鹽 Kala Namak 可以在任何印度商店買得到,我在元朗合益商場那間印度店買,HK$10 一包,印度商店可以買得到很多不同的香料,價廉物美!




Vegan Egg Salad x Discovering the Secret of Black Salt

2020 | With the coronavirus in 2020, there’s been a lot of free time to try out different vegan dishes, and experiment with the various ways egg can be replaced. I’ve tried using fresh beancurd sheets, chickpea flour, tofu.... In the process, I also discovered that Himalayan black salt (Kala Namak) is the secret to recreating the taste and texture of egg.

Stepping into the world of vegan food is a curious and exciting journey! Use more time to cook at home – you can save time, money, health, and the environment. As you learn to enjoy the process of making food, you will also be filled with an indescribable joy!

Serves: 2

Total cooking time: 30 minutes


1 block firm tofu
1/2 tsp ground turmeric 
1 tsp Himalayan black salt (actually pink in colour)
A pinch of salt
Vegan salad dressing


  1. Cut half the block of tofu to into pieces (to resemble egg white), and crumble the other half (to resemble the yolk).

  2. Add turmeric and black salt; mix well.

  3. Heat on the pan for a while to dry up the water. Season with a pinch of salt before finally mixing in the dressing.

Contributor’s Note:

I used the JUST Mayo vegan dressing in this salad. This egg salad usually serves as my sandwich filling.

I’d recommend buying the tofu from the wet market for a richer soy taste and firmer texture. The Himalayan black salt (Kala Namak) can be found in any Indian provision store. I found mine in the Hop Yick Commercial Centre in Yuen Long at HK$10 a pack. Indian stores hold tons of different spices – and at great value for money!

Recipe source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa-S3_B89sE

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